Skyway’s experienced Construction Project Management teams have the knowledge and know-how to take on even the most complex projects and successfully achieve target results from inception to completion of the project lifecycle, rolling it back to our clients with complete accountability, and value-added service with ongoing support.
Our proprietary Project Management program, Skytrax, incorporates the latest digital technologies for planning, design, resource management, time capture, tracking, and reporting capabilities in real-time, allowing Skyway to greatly improve its control on performance management and enhance its ability to contribute to its customers’ success. With Skytrax, our customers have complete visibility on our performance. Custom dashboards can be tailored to the exact specifications of the project and provide quick reference dials that allow the customer to see if anything is not meeting expectations. Costs, schedule, production, productivity, crew size, absenteeism, safety leading and lagging indicators, and just about any other meaningful KPI can be made available on the customer’s dashboard.
The Benefits?
- Better Scope Identification & Overall Planning
- More Effective Access Solutions
- Better Access = Higher Productivity of All Trades
- Less Re-Work / Modifications
- Reduced Manpower
- Increased Safety
- Increased Predictability
- Increased Reliability
Over a short period of time, a database of accesses can be custom designed and fit for purpose for any maintenance or shutdown task, enhancing future predictability, cost controls, and continuous improvement.